On macOS
WARNING: Be cautious when using the following commands.
Find the correct partition of the disk.
diskutil list
From the above picture, my 8 GB USB stick is partitioned at
Format that partition using:
diskutil eraseDisk FAT32 BOB/dev/disk2
diskutil is a macOS terminal tool.
eraseDisk is the parameter to erase the disk. FAT32 is the file system that the USB will be formatted to. BOB is the new name given to the USB. /dev/disk2 is the partition of the USB (from the above picture). The terminal should then go on to format the USB.
On Windows
Open Command Prompt using Administrative Privileges. Open diskpart, a command-line disk partitioning tool of Windows.
Find the correct partition of the disk.
list disk
This will list all the mounted drives. Select the disk to be formatted.
select disk 1
Then followed by these commands:
create partition primary
format FS=FAT32 label=BOB quick
Optionally, these commands can be combined as:
clean && create partition primary && active && format FS=FAT32 label=BOB quick
Optionally you can also assign a letter to the drive here using:
assign letter=Z
Exit the DiskPart
Cheers, Luke